welcome to no gradient

no gradient publishes articles, predictions, and a podcast. The articles focus on issues where there is the biggest disconnect between public perception and reality. Predictions focus on trends shaping our world and serve to track the accuracy of this publication’s worldview. The podcast publishes authentic conversations with people worth talking to as well as our shooting from the hip series which gives listeners what’s new in the last month.
Established in 2017, no gradient takes strong stances on a wide variety of topics. Notable articles include a strategy for getting rich slowly and a postmortem on the Ethereum Classic 51% attack. Notable true predictions include a cryptocurrency backed by multiple currencies, a router with Google Assistant built in, and the release of a checking account by a robo-advisor. This publication holds itself accountable with the predictions scorecard and no gradient retracks and does the same for others with no gradient tracks. Notable podcast episodes include conversations with five finishers of the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail, a Marixst who attempted to join the Marines, and a San Francisco legend who plants flowers in the streets.
An important question every consumer of a publication should ask is how the publication builds its worldview. no gradient’s worldview is shaped from the following sources: The Economist, Benedict Evans, Stratechery, Zeihan on Geopolitics, Mr. Money Mustache, Money Stuff, Foreign Affairs, Warren Buffet Shareholder Letters, Memos from Howard Marks, Our World in Data, MIT Chain Letter and the Twitter accounts our founder follows. In a globalized world churning through an unenumerated amount of discrete and interconnected events, half the battle is filtering out the signal from noise. The listed sources do exactly that. The second half of the battle is combining these signals, digesting them, and creating an opinion that wasn’t necessarily there before. Through this exercise we aspire to teach our readership something new- allowing them to view the world more accurately. And by so doing, creating a more prosperous humanity.
The easiest way to follow no gradient is by subscribing to the newsletter. You can also follow on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, RSS, and wherever podcasts are available.
Contributors include Clark Burnap, Chris Derr, Matt Buckley, Sawyer Billings, Will Conway, Nancy Finley, Liam Madden, John Allard, Jack Lucas, Sarah Lucas, David Abergel, Rebecca Schollmeyer, Ryan Cole, Eric Liu, Lars Droogmans, Aaron Calvano, and Jonathan Healy. welcome to no gradient.