Dick Lucas
Résumé, GitHub, StackOverflow, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
Active Projects
- Founder of no gradient.
- Cofounder of Fullsend.
- Council member at GLG, advising consultancies and investors.
Past Projects
- Coauthor and Technical Editor of Kotlin Apprentice.
- Senior Software Developer at Raizlabs and Rightpoint.
- NetLive, featured in CNET, lifehacker, and XDA.
- EaglesScribe, used by thousands of Boston College students.
- Cal Bears Stickers, built for UC Berkeley.
- Basketball announcer at Cristo Rey.
- Automating Input Events on Android, a post on the Raizlabs blog.
- The Curious Case of Systrace Reporting Jank on an EditText, a post on the Raizlabs blog.
- Google I/O 2017 Distilled, a post on the Raizlabs blog.
- Overlapping Fragments with VideoViews, a post on the Raizlabs blog.
- Bug I discovered while working on a client project at Raizlabs.
- Compound Components, presented at an Android meetup.
- AndroidAppCrashFlowChart, featured in Android Weekly.
- Android Event Synchronization Using NTP, presentation at Boston College.
- GroupMeAnalytics, insights into your conversations.
- Bug I discovered in the TrafficStats API while working on NetLive.